Monday, October 7, 2013


This article was found in the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Bulletin, Volume 23, Number 41, posted on October 3, 2013. This bulletin is geared toward informing state employees. Take a read through and see what you think. What jumps out at you? Is it good or bad?

Be informed: taking positive steps towards self-advocacy
Employee Assistance ProgramThis month we will explore “Being Informed” as a route to positive health and wellness. Our first topic is Self-advocacy. Self-advocacy is about getting the information you need, making decisions and assertively communicating your needs to others in order to achieve a positive outcome. Self-advocacy is all about looking out for yourself while still respecting and valuing the role others may play in your life.
Today, we all need to be much wiser consumers and to make the best decisions possible for our own welfare. Speaking up and advocating for yourself can help you to get the best product or service, save you money, save you hassles, and help you to feel competent and successful. Making informed choices and standing up for yourself can help you not fall prey to the many scams in today’s world. Every day we have choices to make and sometimes we can feel exhausted with all the decisions a day can bring. The art of discerning between various information bites and resources is a must in today’s world of information overload. It’s easy to grow weary and leave the decisions to others. Passivity is tempting but can lead to a feeling of powerlessness over your life. Take charge of your life with these steps down the road to self-advocacy:
·         Know your rights
·         Educate yourself
·         Believe in yourself
·         Determine your needs
·         Ask all the necessary questions
·         Trust your gut feelings
·         Think about your goals and what you want
·         Develop a decision making model that helps you to make good, quick decisions
Remembering to stay calm and cool when speaking up for yourself is a very important key to getting what you want. Self-advocacy isn’t about over-powering others, or taking advantage of someone. It’s about assertively asking for what you want and need in a strong yet appropriate way. If you find it’s hard in certain situations to stand up for yourself, try writing it down first or practice what you want to say with a friend or even EAP staff. Many people find it gets easier with practice. Taking care of your needs, standing up for yourself and identifying when something isn’t working and taking action is a key to self-care and self-power. Trusting yourself to take care of your own life, rather than leaving the decisions and choices to others is the key to taking charge of your destiny and creating the life you want. [name removed] and [name removed], reporters.

My thoughts: I agree with not letting others make decisions for you. We should all be responsible for our actions, but what is the motivation that is promoted here? Self-advocacy, self-care, self-power…these all fall under a more negative term of selfishness. Yes, we have done a great job of putting a positive spin on it, and we promote it as necessary in our society, because who is looking out for you? “No one” is the answer that our society wants you to believe. So we should be looking out for ourselves…right? Wrong! We are each called to look out for others and their needs. God looks out for us and we will always have what we need.

  • Know your rights? Know your responsibilities.
  • Educate yourself? Good, read God’s word, and teach others.
  • Believe in yourself? Believe in God, the only one in complete control.
  • Determine your needs? Determine your neighbor’s needs, and do something to help.
  • Ask all the necessary questions. Like, “Why am I doing this?” and “Why am I here?”
  • Trust your gut feeling? Only after examining yourself to God’s standard.
  • Think about your goals and what you want. Is it God-pleasing? 
  • Develop a decision making model that helps you make good, quick decisions. Do what you know it right.

Don’t speak up for yourself. Speak up for what is right. We keep struggling for more control over our lives when we should yield our lives to God and to others in accordance to God’s will. Goal setting is good; game planning is good; working to be more productive is good, but all is useless without the right motivation, the right heart. I am just as guilty as all of us. Selfishness comes naturally, but that doesn’t mean we need to accept it as good. That doesn’t mean we just need to be selfish more civilly. Usually we need to work for good, and our natural instinct is bad. Think about it. Pray about it. Talk to others you respect about it. Read God’s word and He will show you the way.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Move for Missions

"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news" 
-Romans 10:15

This Saturday, Oct. 5th, 2013
5k run/2 mi. walk wherever you are!

Do you have a mission? This is a great fitness event starting up this year to raise Christian awareness of spreading God's word to those around us. Our mission field could be Africa, but most likely it is just across the street as you look at your neighbor's house. God has placed each one of His people in a unique spot to impact specific people. 

"You are the light of the world." (Matthew 5:14) Shine for his glory. 

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.(Colossians 4:6) Be the salt that flavors the world, not the salt that gets rubbed into somebody's wounds.  

About Move for Missions
Event Details
Daily Inspiration

I just want to encourage you to get into God's word, see what he has planned for you, and live for His glory. There are also many books available to know how to share God's word in our society today.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Freedom to the Extent of Self-Mastery

I heard a great quote once again on a recent LLR subscription cd and I was reminded of how true this is. The quote is originally from the great Roman thinker, Sacrates.

"the truly free individual is free only to the extent of his own self-mastery." 

The principle of life still holds true: If you want something, you are going to have to work for it. We say that it is great to have freedom, that we should help get more people free. But if we don't help them earn it, freedom will soon be lost, given willingly to those that work for it.

I wonder though...does this hold true for Christians? We are given freedom in Christ. There are no requirements on us. But the bible also says we willingly become slaves to Christ, because of what He has done to save us from our lost condition. However, it is not the obedience that brings freedom, but the freedom that brings obedience. The gift comes before the action. Does this only work for God?

Aaahaa! Christ did the work of full obedience to God's law. He earned our freedom similar to Socrates' principle above. But then Christ gives us freedom (something which Socrates knew nothing about), in which our proper response is thankful obedience. Some choose to abuse this freedom, reject God's gift, and eventually lose their freedom when God must finally judge them justly for their actions.

It seems that in our sinfully deteriorated societies, we need rules to discipline ourselves, because we lack the rule of God's love in our hearts. You either submit to God's will (freedom) or you reject God's will (slavery). If we were in perfect unity with God, we would be perfectly free. And if we abuse our freedom in Christ, we choose the path of slavery to sin, punishment, and death.

I guess what I am getting at is this: Self-mastery is good and will earn you freedom in this world, but Christ-mastery is great and will lead to freedom both now and in eternity!

Christ, please always be my Master, Lord, and Mentor!

The Shack

I just finished this book today, and I thought it would be good to share what I've found. The read was enjoyable from the standpoint of exploring theological fiction writing. The basic premise of this genre is to help teach the truths of God through fiction, similar to how Jesus taught through parables. I have recently been diving into this category of literature with Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, and also the works of C.S. Lewis. 

The Shack was a much easier read and more emotional inspiring than Pilgrim's Progress, but I fear that where William P. Young has succeeded in fiction, he has neglected in sound biblical teaching. As we should do with any book written by men, I encourage all readers to compare the principles taught through The Shack with the principles taught through God's inspired Word. A great place to start would be this Reader's Review by Tim Challies. Tim has done his homework and brings up many good points with scripture references to back them up.

Dig into God's Word, follow the example of the *Bereans and Be-readin from the source of Truth.

*Ref. Acts 17:10ff

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Looking for a spacious home in the Greater Milwaukee Area?

Check this one out. I love the Master Bedroom!


Printable Data Sheet

MLS Listing Site

For the best deal contact Robert Stack at Robert Stack & Associates.
Phone: 414-425-9111

Heal the World; Cook Dinner Tonight

I saw this billboard slogan by Penseys Spices just the other day and I really liked it. I'm not promoting running out and buying a whole bunch of interesting spices, but I think they might have something in this slogan. In our 'hurry and rush' society a lot of us have become accustom to eating out for convenience (some people debate it is a necessity). But what are we leaving behind? 

What happened to the days of families gathering around the dinner table to discuss the day's activities? What happened to knowing exactly what you were eating and where it came from? How did the extra expense of 'eating out' go from a rare and special treat to a typical budget item (either known or unknown)?

I think cooking dinner helps solve some of the family, health, and financial issues so prevalent in our American society. So I encourage you to heal a portion of your world and cook dinner tonight.

And don't miss the importance of the word "tonight." Don't wait. Don't put it off until next week. Now is the best time to start developing a positive habit. Give it a try!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2013 Life-A-Thon

The 2013 Life-A-Thon is on May 11. I will be running the 5k Run for Their Lives! This is a fantastic cause. The event is organized by WELS Lutherans for Life. I love what this organization represents: caring for mothers and children and saving lives! I have set a goal of raising $300 for this cause. If you want to donate or get more information, check out my fundraising page or visit Thank you!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Best of - Matt Mielke - Sticks & Stones

This is a great reminder for us all. Name calling hurts. It doesn't stop with children. So many adults fall into the same trap, but they are better at covering it up to make it more "socially acceptable." Judging others hurts society. Talking behind people's backs has got to stop. If you have an issue with someone, address it head on...with gentleness and respect. Ask questions. I find that my original assumptions are wrong in one way or another. Orrin Woodward lays out an excellent pattern to use for conflict resolution in his book, Resolved. Check out Matt Mielke's powerful blog post:
 Sticks and Stones and Other Things.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Devotions - Repentance/ Forgiveness

I found these recent daily devotions to be excellent reminders of repentance and forgiveness in Christ. The history recorded of King David is a reminder that even the best of us fall short of God's standard. I know I fall short of God's standard on a daily basis, but God graciously forgives all my shortcomings. Sin drives a wedge between us and God, but God covers the gap for us, viewing repentant sinners as perfect in Christ. Don't get down because of your failures. You are a new and perfect person in Christ. Enjoy!

Devotion - March 14, 2013

Devotion - March 15, 2013


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today I attended a very powerful church service led by the band, Koiné. The concert, entitled Footsteps to the Cross, walks through Jesus' ministry from the Mount of Transfiguration to Mount Calvary. I got my mind refocused and my heart seriously re-engaged in God's word. This event was a great lead into holy week and Easter. 

Koiné is a very talented group and I was impressed with their video graphic design. I just thought I would share a portion of this service with you from You Tube. 
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness

More information at

You can actually buy the entire concert DVD of Footsteps to the Cross. I bought it on the spot.

Monday, February 25, 2013

What's More Important...

Dan Hawkins recently referenced this article on his blog as he reminisces on his business success. The article is authored by Chris Brady, a co-founder of the LIFE business. This kind of thinking is sorely needed in our world today. So many people don't know what their incomes can truly afford. They live outside of financial reality due to the widespread use of financing. Our great grandparents would shutter at our financial nonsense. I personally strive to use what God has given me for His purpose, but I do get sidetracked at times. However, this goal has given me the greatest satisfaction in life. Material possessions are definitely not the answer; it has been proven wrong time and time again. Chris presents a nice comparison between memories and material possessions. Go for the memories!

Memories vs. Material

This bad economy is really poorly timed, mostly because it’s happening right while we’re alive to experience it.
We’ve come out of a credit binge where easy money was available at low interest rates. This drove up a false housing market and now that the bubble has popped, millions are “upside down” in their homes (meaning they owe more than they’re worth on the open market). Jobs have dried up, income has gone down, and the bills (and the interest they carry) left over from the heady days of the boom are not so much fun now that we’re in the bust. Retirement savings are greatly diminished, and people are being forced to work longer than they had planned. While all this makes for some nauseating blame-games at the political level, at the practical level where real people live it’s a joy stealer.
Add to all this a materialistic culture that relentlessly sells us on the lie that more stuff will equal more happiness. If we could only have that latest gismo, buy the bigger house, drive the fancier car, watch that latest flat screen tv, play the newest video game, and wear sophisticated clothes, our lives would be more fulfilled and happy.
The biggest reason we believe a lie is because somewhere, deep down inside, we want it to be true.
We actually like material possessions and the latest shiny objects. We would dearly love to believe that they bring fulfillment and happiness. What could be easier? We fall for the lure of pleasure as happiness and pile on the purchases, rarely stopping to wonder why real fulfillment eludes us like the edge of a fog in a morning field.
But here is one thing I’ve learned: it’s hard to be less than happy when you can be happy with less.
I’m no minimalist. I am blessed beyond description and have nice material possessions myself. But I have come to realize that I want to spend my money a little differently than I did when, to borrow a phrase from my father, I was “younger and dumber.” After all, what is aging for if not to absorb a little wisdom? Something must accompany the gray hair and wrinkles. Therefore, I made a purposeful decision to spend more of my money on memories instead of on material.
Think about it. Does a new car or a trip with your family generate more special moments and lasting memories? How many memories do you really have of that item you just had to purchase (and likely therefore finance) eight or nine years ago? Yet how many moments with friends, family, and loved ones can you recall from throughout your life? Which do you value more?
Two and a half years into the experiment, here’s what I’ve discovered since making the decision to prioritize memories over material:
1. Life is simpler and less cluttered. Material requires upkeep and attention. Memories are maintenance free.
2. Memories don’t charge interest. Instead, merely show them interest to keep them fresh.
3. Memories keep, while stuff wastes away. This is true of our affections, too. Some of my oldest memories are the dearest, while my oldest stuff is just junk.
4. More resources (time, attention, money, etc.) are available for other (and usually more important) things. Giving and sharing are more fulfilling than buying for one’s self.
5. It’s easier to focus on one’s purpose in life. Orrin Woodward has a fantastic way of looking at this in his latest book, RESOLVED Primer, page 18, where he suggests that our Purpose is shown to be at the intersection of our Potential, our Passion, and our Profits (or fruitfulness).
6. Life is more stress-free (and therefore fun) when living well below one’s means.
7. Money diminishes in importance in your life (and thereby occupies less of your thoughts) when you aren’t demanding so much of it.
8. Happiness exists more in little things than in big things, anyway.
How has this economy changed your thoughts about money?
Where do memories rank in your heirarchy of priorities?
What changes can you make today to decrease your material consumption and increase your memory generation?
 Chris Brady

Friday, January 11, 2013

God’s Precious Gift

God offers a most precious gift to us. He presses for us to receive it. Our natural reaction is to decline. It does not look like anything we would like or want. We try to say “no thank you”, “that’s nice, but you should really keep it”, “I don’t think I have a use for this” and many more variations on the same. He is insistent to the point that we either get fed up and push back with greater force to reject His gift or we reluctantly agree. If we receive this gift, we are not sure why.

Upon opening this gift we finally see it rightly. It is our most treasured possession. We don’t know how we could have lived without it. In fact, we do not consider ourselves to be really alive before God forced this gift on us. This gift is most cherished. All our other possessions pale in comparison. To us, we have no other possession besides this gift. We would give our lives to keep it. We look around at others whom God is still pressuring to receive His gift. We are shocked at their reluctance. We urge them not to resist God. Trust us, this is something you want. We are dismayed when we see some get angry at God. They tell Him to take His gift and stuff it, “leave me alone”, “I don’t want it”. They keep God at a distance, avoiding Him at all costs. When they see God coming, they cross over to the other side of the street. We can see the disheartened look on God’s face, the longing to give the ultimate gift for each human being, but His quality of justice not allowing Himself to force His gift on anyone that rejects Him.

Like a new cherished Christmas gift, we want to show it off to everyone we know, encouraging them to receive their gift also. Unfortunately, some receive His gift, but then lose track of it, forget about it. It slowly loses value to them as they set it aside and behind other things more exciting to them. Let us always keep God’s gift in the forefront, thanking God every day in our thoughts, words, and actions.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013