Friday, March 27, 2015

How Rude!

So I get an email from UW-Platteville (my alma mater) saying they are preparing an alumni directory. They are going to post my current job title, address, and contact info; and I should call them to verify my information.

I'm thinking, "Great. One more thing to add to my list. They're always calling me for donations."

So on my way home from work, rushing to make it home in time to leave for our Lenten meal, I give 'em a call. I'm not even sure what this is for; I just want to make sure they don't say anything dumb.

I'm put on hold briefly before I speak with someone. Seams like a professional service they hired out to verify all their alumni records. I'm annoyed.

She asks, "How are you today?"

I give a cold, "Good." I resist adding the customary, "and how are you doing today?" to show the extent of my annoyance at this inconvenience in my life.

There was a brief pause where I'm sure she was expecting to respond with a chipper, "I'm doing well, thanks for asking."

I think to myself, "Wow, I'm kind of being a jerk. God doesn't want me to be this way." So I loosened up a bit. And I do mean a bit. I was still very matter a fact and straight to the point. She tried to sell me on buying a special anniversary ultra-custom shiny directory book for only two payments of $49.99, or the softcover version for $20 cheaper, or just a CD version for I don't know how much. I was done. I managed to say a fairly pleasant goodbye and ended the call.

During the conversation, she had said I could respond to an email to include a picture and a brief description of what I had been doing since graduation. I got the thought, "Hey. Maybe I can put a plug in for the pregnancy care ministry that I'm involved in...wait, I wasn't very Christ-like on that phone call. I wonder if she will read my description, and be like, 'Really? That guy was a Christian. He was a jerk on the phone.'"

I turned the corner. Almost home. I had to blurt out in prayer, "Oh God! I'm sorry for being a jerk. I have sinned against you. Forgive me."

It hurts to realize that I didn't just offend someone, but I had offended the God who put his only son through hell on earth to bring me safely home to heaven. I had been cold to my brother, Christ, who paid the total debt that I keep racking up throughout my life. I had pushed the Holy Spirit of my God out of my heart, and said to Him, "You wait outside while I take care of this my way."

What had I done? I failed to realize that another crown of God's creation, a fellow human being, was on the other end of that call. I forgot that I was a redeemed sinner who is happy to serve others without consideration of payback. I failed to remember that others do not have the same hope of heaven and joy of forgiveness that I have personally experienced through Christ.

That night I confessed my sin again to God in church, where He showed me a deeper understanding of my selfish sin earlier that day. I don't remember my exact words. It was one of those times where it feels like the Spirit takes over with groans that human words cannot express.
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God." - Philippians 1:9-11
Paul's prayer is my prayer.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Personal Faith

My wife and I are leading our oldest daughter through a study of Luther's small catechism. Part of the curriculum is writing your own personal confession of faith based on what we've learned about the Apostle's Creed. My wife read her's last night and I felt like sharing it with you. This is definitely what I believe about God through studying the bible. I think it is a very important step to own your faith. Go beyond the "I was raised..." and confidently declare, "I believe in..."  We each have specific stumbling points and specific doubts based on our personalities and backgrounds. Get them answered! Be confident in what you believe, because it will follow you in eternity. Each parent should help their children own their faith and give them the resources to get their questions answered. This is our God:

My Personal Confession of Faith Creed
by Katrina Nicolle Meinel, March 2015

I believe in the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (present everywhere) and omnipotent (all-powerful). God always was, always is, and always will be.

I believe the first person of The Trinity is the Father. As a Father, He created the whole world and provides for the whole world. As my Father, He gives me what I need and desire, and protects me. He does this because He created me and loves me. When His creation was ruined, He immediately promised a Savior.

I believe the second person of The Trinity is the Son, my Savior. This promised Savior came to earth as a baby, born of a virgin. Lived a perfect life, died the death I deserved to die, and was forsaken by the Father because of my sins. He descended into hell to proclaim His victory. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He rules with all authority under the Father and prepares a mansion for me. And on the last day, when the trumpet sounds, He will raise the dead and take me and all believers to be with Him forever in heaven!

I believe the third person of The Trinity is the Spirit, the author and perfecter of my faith. He created my faith the day I was baptized
and strengthens my faith when I hear God’s Word and partake of the Lord’s Supper. He continually gives me strength to live the life of God’s child in service, gratitude and thankfulness to Him. All this I believe only by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015


My family and I attended a funeral on Friday, March 13. Dawn Schwalbach, mother of 10 children, died of leukemia. She was a parenting and homeschooling mentor of ours. The service was two hours long. Started off with a hymn sing and a pastor opened the service, her six oldest children spoke, then her husband spoke. I was blown away by God's wonderful work on this family. Another pastor closed the service with a longer message and encouragement to the family. But it was the family themselves that said the most, that witnessed the most, that shone like stars.

Every person that spoke encouraged all those present to give their lives to God. Every child spoke about their mother, but in the context of God's grace and his work of salvation. I was humbled to be in their presence as God's glory was revealed in deep and personal ways.

I lost it when her husband, Jim, spoke. He told how things had not gone according to their plan, but how he was already seeing God's marvelous plan at work. She had gone down to Texas for treatment. He had gone down with her to get set up, but the plan was that he would go back home to Wisconsin. His flight was delayed a couple days. He was most thankful for those extra days. She had complications while he was back in Wisconsin. He was not able to make it to the hospital before she died. He blamed himself. His friend flew down to give him strength and encouragement. He was shattered. 

While Jim was following their plan (staying back in WI), his long-term alcoholic brother called him for help. He never calls for help. He got a flat tire. Jim and Dawn had been helping him for many years and sharing their faith in Jesus Christ as the only way. That day that Jim met him on the road, he stopped resisting God. He believed that God had saved even him, and he prayed that God would use whatever is left of him, for His glory. He died of detox the day before Dawn died. His funeral was the next day. 

This family has gone through a lot, and they keep shining as God's children, ever pointing to the One who makes them whole. 

When we went through the reception line, Jim gave us a marriage book and encouraged us in our homeschooling. Wow. He's still thinking about giving to others, when he feels like half of his heart has been amputated.

What's wrong with me? How can I be like that?

They all said the same thing. Commit yourself to Christ. Let him be your Lord and Savior.

I want to remember these quotes:
"Remember, we're not homeschooling them for their 'academics', we're homeschooling them for their souls."

"Others speak their salvation, she lived her salvation."

"She always took the time to listen."

"Running errands, she asked me if I was embarrassed to be 'Mom's little helper' - like anyone could be embarrassed to be around her."

"There wasn't a phony bone in her body."

"She would be mad at me if I didn't tell you...Jesus died for you."

Friday, March 20, 2015

Lost Generation

I went to a "Communication Styles and Generational Tools" training yesterday. This was one of the videos that was shown. Yes, there are generational stereotypes, but you can always choose to break the norm.

There is a foundation that spans all generations.

We don't have to give in to the vices of our generation or the vices of our parents. God's love gives us the power to change.
"for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments." Exodus 20:5-6
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." Second Corinthians 5:17

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Live Pro-life

Are you pro-life?

Of course, I'm a Christian!

I know Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I know life starts at conception, and so does our need of a Savior.
Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Psalm 51:5
I know that I should lead others to believe the truth about God's gift of life.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,  First Peter 3:15
OK, I do need to work on the last part, "gentleness and respect." I try not to get shocked when people tell me their interesting conclusions.

But this method is very passive. Jesus also told us to "Go and make disciples" and "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Faith and belief cause action. God's word is living and active! What are you doing right now that is pro-life?

You don't have to be extreme. Did you know that NOT giving disapproving looks to a young pregnant woman is living pro-life? Did you know that NOT complaining about your children is living pro-life? Have you ever started "baby talk" with a pregnant women in a store? You can share your excitement over bringing a new life into this world, and all the blessings God gives us through our children.

God didn't give you the gift of talking with people? How about walking...yes, walking. Can you walk? How about using this gift to be pro-life? This 2 mi walk/ 5k run supports a pregnancy counseling center that is very near my heart:

Do you have the gift of parenting? How about becoming a foster parent or adopting a child?

Has God blessed you with material wealth? You live in America and you're reading this on the internet, I think the answer is "Yes."

Funding is one of the biggest challenges of pregnancy counseling centers like this one [] in the Milwaukee area. Centers like these are making a difference, not in the grand legal debate, but in the individual lives of women struggling with the choice of life and death. Our society pressures women to terminate unplanned pregnancies. Most often, the woman knows that she caries a child and that the abortion will end that child's life, but concerns of unsupportive family and inconvenience strangle out any hope for the child.

We want to build a Wall of Hope that protects not only children, but mothers and fathers as well.

Kirk Walden, author of The Wall, asserts that "Though pregnancy help centers have been in the process of building this Wall of Hope for quite some time, it is now when their impact is about to become more powerful than ever. The pieces are now in place for effective growth; the result of that growth being a stunning, surprising and joyful downturn in America's abortion rate, possibly back to pre-Roe v. Wade levels." And what is the key to this strategy that will produce such staggering results? Funding.

What kind of funding? Kirk says that if 20% of people who claim to be pro-life gave an average of $8.34/month, we would be there. You would be seeing the culture change. If you are pro-life, please, find a local pregnancy counseling center and start giving this minimal financial support. I support WELS Lutherans for Life and I am looking for 1040 people to give $10/month to support their mission. Sound like a lot of people? Not if we add up my friends, your friends, and their friends. Check out the website, ask me questions, and see if your heart aligns with our vision.

If you're ready right now, you can join the Friend of Life monthly giving program through this secure online giving page.

With this kind of financial support, we would have enough funds to not only change our society's view on life, but start many more family-building programs.

Whatever way you decide to live pro-life is up to you. But if you believe it, live it!
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Psalm 31:8
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24