Our family has been blessed with being busy with many different things. One of these things is involvement in our church's preschool. We've had a lot of interaction with Mormon families recently, and it lead me to research the Truth in Love ministry.
After reading through the Basic Facts about Mormonism and Basic Witnessing Tools, I'm reflecting on how detailed and extensive is our catechism studies of biblical teachings. And yet this only scratches the service. I needed to dive into apologetics to satisfy my own nagging doubts. There is so much to learn about God that we can spend our whole lives as His student, companion, and beloved; and yet not fully grasp His love and faithfulness. I want to know Him more!
We can make this study very complicated and multifaceted - assign a whole array of technical terms...
And yet...
When it come right down to doing what Christ has called us to do - spread the gospel, we tend to forget the basics...and the basics make all the difference.
Way back in childhood, it was my first love. Forgiveness. I knew that I had screwed up bad...many times...I'd seen the hurt...but when I looked to the cross of Christ, I saw my debt paid, I saw His perfect life covering my failures, I saw His resurrection promising a new life free of screw ups. I saw new life. Undeserved love. Complete forgiveness. Another chance to be different.
Law and Gospel.
Why not focus on what I love to hear? That's what keeps me coming back Sunday after Sunday. Isn't that what they need to hear? Isn't that what we are all looking for?
I want to reach these Mormon families. Not sure how, not sure when, but I'm going to prepare. I'm going to try to know them better, and focus on the basics. It seems too simple, too easy - just speak God's word. I always want to get off track with appalling doctrinal errors - fix the immediate problem. But that's not what I was called to do. I was called to give the solution to the problem. I echo Paul's words, "I resolve to know nothing, but Christ, and him crucified."
Father, forgive me when I over-complicate your word. When I get emotionally frustrated. When I lose the love you have for my fellow human being. Grant me wisdom to use your law and gospel in proper proportion. Help me spread your saving word with each person you've placed in my life. Let my conversations be ever seasoned with the salt of your truth and love. Give me peace, that my past failures will not hinder your eternal purpose, that your good plan will work with whatever I am able to offer. Let me empty myself of sinful pride that your Holy Spirit may fill me completely for your purpose. In the Name I pray, amen.