There are lots of suttle influences in our lives, and I think they influence us more than we think. I want you to remember that we also have more control over these influences than we think. God gives us this power to resist the World and seek the light of life, "for what do darkness and light have in common?"
One great question for figuring out if you are going along with the world or taking advice from the world:
"Does it give God glory?"
If not, don't do it.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
- First Corinthians 10:31
Extreme. Some might say. But Christianity is extremely opposite of the World. We like to label ourselves Christian, but then the definition slides to whatever our preferences are at the time. God's word keeps us on track.
Here are some of my thoughts on different things that do or could influence our lives:
Music - Has your preference changed since high school? Would you take advice from yourself in high school? Music connects to our soul. Use your intelligence to filter what goes to your soul. I now really appreciate the music of Koine and Branches Band. Now days there seems to be so many more options for different genres of Christian music. When I was growing up, it seemed like there were a couple groups that were kind-of-Christian that fit my music preference like DC Talk, Creed, and Jars of Clay. I still like Jesus Freak by DC Talk, but my kids were not impressed.
TV - #1 way to cut down on your intake of bad advice: Stop watching TV. If you watch, you are being influenced. For me, the only way I've found to regulate this negative influence is to not watch. It's addictive and I get sucked in, and the slide into poor programming is almost designed. You could DVR educational shows and fast forward through commercials, but that gets expensive. I just look up stuff on the internet instead (you also have to be careful there).
Internet - Tunnel vision is key. No side ad distraction. Write down what you went to your computer/phone for, then do it and get off. Our devices now days do more to distract us from reality than they do to improve our efficiency.
Parents - Have you really dived into the knowledge base that your parents have accumulated? What have they already done that you are now attempting to do? They did so much before you even existed. What were their experiences?
Siblings - Have you lost touch? Are you all busy with your own things? What are you both going through right now that is similar? Has an older sibling led the way with new experiences that you can learn from?
Mentors - Well, yeah, sure, but where do you find a mentor? Do you have to pay? Hard to find? Meet people, learn people. Find people that have what you want and just ask them for advice. Then do it! Take a moment and think about it. Write down a list of areas of your life that you find important. Then think of people you already know that have success in that particular area. Talk with them. Dig deep. Verify that they do indeed share your same values and goals. Then COPY! We don't have to figure out everything on our own. Be humble. Be willing.
Yourself - When I say, "I'm going to get a lot of stuff done at the house tonight." I put everything else under that task. I would much rather tell myself, "I'm going to be a great dad tonight, while I work on the house." That better matches up with my values, and puts the focus on the right task. Why hinder our eternal work with temporal work? How can I use my earthly work to help others (give them paid work or experience), to strengthen relationships (bonding time), to show the peace that God gives (maybe I should get that peace first). It's tough when you're hard up against a deadline, but if we seek these eternal things first, everything else may or may not work out, but at least we did the most important things first. God also promises that he will give us everything we need when we go to work, so don't worry. My experience has been that God delivers in remarkable ways when I set out to do a thing, but keep my priorities straight. Trust God and he will not let you down. He is good, all the time.
And that leads me to my last and most important item...
God - Take his advice. Read his word. He will speak with you. He will guide you in ways unseen. Your story is yours alone, and God knows it best. He will lead you to green pastures. To peace and security beyond your current understanding. All other advice pales in comparison.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
-Isaiah 55:8-9
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