Dad's work.
The Son's work allows me to reference the Father as "Dad".
The Holy Spirit guides my thoughts into alignment with the Father's thoughts.
The Father is the complete source of knowledge and power, and He will give whatever level of knowledge and power for me to carry out His will. Jesus had this resource while He physically walked this earth and He used it in perfect lockstep with the Father's will. Jesus was never looking to use God's power for His own benefit, but for the Father's benefit.
The Son was always working to carry out the Father's will. So now I get to follow in His footsteps to carry out the Father's will. I fail every day, but Jesus keeps me right with God. The Son allows me to work for the Father.
Each day that I look back on my life, I feel like I finally just started believing. When I look at my past, I'm horrified by my way of life, the sins that so easily entangled me. I doubt if I could even have been saved. But I am certain that I am saved now.
This sounds like madness, and inconsistent logic. But then again, I'm describing a moving target. My perspective is changing throughout my sanctification process. Knowing this, I can extend grace to others that have different weaknesses. I can see that God also calls them. Even if the world labels them "unbelievers", God still loves them and is calling them. As long as they are alive on this earth (except in rare cases of hardened hearts) they are looking for rest in God's grace. And God has equipped each and every believer to share His grace, because it is the same grace He gave to them. Every Christian knows this grace. Don't over complicate it, share it.
Forgive as you have been forgiven.
Give as you have been given.
Serve as you have been served.
Love as you have been loved.
Even tell the truth in the same manner that the truth was revealed to you...with grace.
Be patient as God has been patient with you.
Be confident in God's timing. He rarely works all of a sudden. He is not slow as some understand slowness, but He waits for the proper time.
Be looking for the proper time. Be diligent in prayer. I have newly discovered the power of prayer again in my life. The Holy Spirit is filling me, and I love it! It brings such deep joy, comfort, peace. I'm happy to be me. I'm satisfied to be God's child, and I love my Dad's work.

God's timing is always proper. Thanks for the reminder!