Friday, May 22, 2015

For discussion - Does Jesus Deserve a Necktie?

I just wrote this quick as a comment to a Time of Grace article called: Does Jesus deserve a necktie?

I love the positive view of both dress styles. We have Christian freedom to worship God any way we choose, according to God's word. Appreciate the people that worship differently than you. Jesus gave us one basic command, "Love each other as I have loved you." When God's word takes a stand on an issue, we take a stand on an issue (with love). But when God's word is silent on an issue (like dress code), we mainly apply love. We do love our rules, don't we? But when someone starts a sentence with "You should...", it usually means you don't have to. We don't really have to do anything, but natural consequences and knowing the truth (especially the Truth of God's word) lead us to make better decisions. Some of the good decisions I've found are to avoid judging others by your own standards and actively look for ways to give God glory (which may include dressing up). We may also consider God's warning to "not cause anyone to stumble" by leading them into temptation. Use the Christian judgement that God has given you, and use God's word as a guide. That is why he has given us his word and Spirit. It's OK to change your mind too. Getting to know a wide spectrum of God's people shows me how God works with each person right where they are now in their spiritual journey. I don't want to ever criticize the work that God has done in their hearts, or destroy it through thoughtless words or hinder it with the shackles of "you should" (I seam to be continually working on that!).

I keep reminding myself:
Grace over Law.
Grace over Law.
Grace over Law.