Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Things God Never Said

Talked to an old friend today. He gave me the same devil-infested lies that another friend gave me a little over a year ago.

"We're different people now."

"We haven't been happy for a while."

"We went to counseling. We gave it a shot."

"It was difficult with the kids, a lot of stress."

"To stay married when you're not happy, that's not fair to either one of us."

"This is best for all of us."

"It's over."

God, Damn sin to hell! Just please don't take my friends with it. Please cover over their sin with the blood of your Son, Jesus Christ. Please lead them out of this self-degrading and destructive behavior which ravages families, tears down godly confidence, and teaches the Devil's lies to the next generation. God, please save us from ourselves. Forgive me for my own less-visible sins. All sin destroys your good creation. Please purify my heart. Do not let me give the Devil even a foothold on my heart or mind. When I am tempted to put my own perceived happiness above the responsibilities you have placed in my life, please shake me and point me to the truth in your Word. Even "responsibilities" are blessings from your gracious hand that the Devil has painted with the facade of "hard work", "no fun", and "have to do it". And the joy that your children experience on the other side of trust and obedience is the very thing that the godless seek in their pursuit of happiness and avoidance of responsibilities. You are just in your judgments. Please also be merciful to us. We all have sinned and fall short of your standard. Show us our error, and lead us to change through the power of your unfailing love. 

God never said, "Be happy, because I the Lord your God am happy."
          He did say, "Be holy, because I the Lord your God am holy."

God never said, "My grace doesn't cover that sin."
          He did say, "My grace is sufficient for you."

God never said, "People will never change."
          He did say, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." 
            and "Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails."

God never said, "Whatever you do, give it a good shot."
          He did say, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart."

God never said, "Love others only when they love you."
          He did say, "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you."

God never said, "Some marriages just don't work out."
          He did say, "The man who does not love his wife but divorces her, does violence to the one he should protect. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful."

Friday, February 2, 2018

Giver or Taker

I saw this TED Talk at work a while back, and I was randomly thinking about it this morning from a Christian perspective. 

God tells me I am called to be a Giver, but I doubt Him. 

What if I'm in an environment where everyone takes advantage of me? What will be left for me? So I take a little just to balance out the equation, just so I'm not consumed by these people. Then I start taking, because I deserve better. They don't pay me enough for this. They dead end all my work anyway, I can't get anything past management. Why bother trying so hard? 

God calls me to be a Giver, but I doubt Him.

I can see how everything would be better if we had a culture of giving. No one would want for anything, because everyone would help...but that's not the culture we have here...and I'm just one person. I would be worn out before any significant progress would be made. I wouldn't get anything back for all my effort.

God calls me to be a Giver, but I doubt Him.

I keep volunteering so much, and donating so much. I feel compelled to contribute and give to all these excellent causes, especially the work of God's kingdom. I don't have time to stay busy at work, I have flexible hours, that break wasn't too much longer than normal. I've got to use some work time for my volunteer work, because otherwise, when would I do them? I've got other responsibilities when I get home. I'm just running out of time this week.

God calls me to be a Giver, but I doubt Him.

My children were supposed to bring me happiness, but they are so demanding. They only think about playing and what they want. Can't they see that I need to work, and clean the house, and help the neighbor? Don't they see the stress that I'm under? If I take the time to talk with them, to help them with their schoolwork, to help them get ready for bed, to help them eat healthy, to help them stay clean, to help them...when will I have my "me time"?

God calls me to be a Giver, but I doubt Him.

There! I finished. Now can't I be done? This is good enough. They know what I mean. They can figure out the rest. They don't need it exactly their way. This is the best I can do. They are going to have to just accept that. They don't know what I have to go through, they don't know my hard life.

God calls me to be a Giver, but I doubt Him.

Why can't they just follow directions? I told them exactly what I wanted. If I give grace, will they repeat the offense? Will they start taking advantage of me? If I scare them with anger, they will be more likely to pay attention and do what I want. 

God, you call me to be a Giver. Help me!

I have been given much, physical blessings are all around me.

I have been forgiven, there is much to forgive.

I have a loving Father who promises to give me everything I need.

I have a compassionate Brother who knows what it's like.

I have the Spirit within me which links me to the very power and love of God.

I have an eternal inheritance waiting for me.

When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory...I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians, Chapter 1