Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What Should We Do?

I went through a lot of effort to get a pro-life charity approved for the Wisconsin State Employee Combined Campaign (SECC), also known as Partners in Giving in Dane County.

I advertised the pro-life organization, Heartbeat International, on the wall just outside my cubicle for about two weeks before I was asked to take it down. Someone thought that "it might be crossing the line."

There are 4 abortion supporter/providers already receiving funds from this workplace giving campaign. In a recent advertisement email for the campaign, a charity was highlighted that promotes LGTB lifestyle, something which I think is very detrimental to a person's well-being.

Why are Christians always silenced?

The comment about my pro-life promotion was made anonymously to my supervisor. This was my email reply back to my supervisor.

I took down the charity promotion, but I feel compelled to have a conversation with whoever thought it might be crossing the line. I don’t want to cause offense, but also don’t want a good cause to be hushed. I’m reminded of a quote attributed to Edmond Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” I don’t want to be that guy either, it would go against my conscience. If you could please encourage the person to come talk with me directly about it, that would be great. If they agree to have it up in some other capacity, would that be OK by you?

My supervisor said she passed along my request...that was 2 weeks ago, and still no one has had the guts to talk with me...disappointing.

What should I do? Hang it back up? They couldn't have been that offended if they can't even talk with me.

Should I be silent on such a critical issue?

Therefore do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil. - Romans 14:16
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. - Proverbs 31:8

Please help me break the silence with a positive out-pour of your God-given generosity.

If you are a UW or state employee, you can still give to this charity (#3044) on November 30.
Just go to 
Note the different login instructions for UW and state employees.

The main page is here:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Silly Dog

So our dog thinks she's entitled to have certain things or areas around our yard. She keeps trying to claim parts of our property for herself. I have to take them away or show dominance in those areas to teach her it's all mine. She would have access to everything if she didn't get possessive. We are choosing to love her, even through these trials, and she is becoming a good dog. When she loves us more than the things, she will have more than she wants. How sin turns us into brute animals.
Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. - Psalm 32:9
Psalm 32 is a good chapter for those of us who wrestle with sin just as King David did. This penitential Psalm was most likely written after his affair with Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon who was in the line of our Savior. We have everlasting forgiveness for all our sins. Why be controlled by sin any longer?

I don't want to be like our Silly Dog, trying to grab little insignificant portions of God's creation for myself. My loving God wants to bless me beyond my imagination, first and foremost spiritually. I want to receive the full blessing of my God, which he has in store for me, to use for His kingdom.

God, please help me understand my role as your servant. Humble me that I may work faithfully for you, and use all the bounty of creation that you have entrusted to me for your good purpose. Help me watch and pray, that I do not fall into temptation. Amen.

Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him. Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart! - Psalm 32:10-11