Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Saved my Marriage

These books saved my marriage:

Created to be His Help Meet, Becoming a Woman of His Dreams, Power of a Woman's Words, The Power of a Praying Wife, Beautiful in God's Eyes...

If you'll notice, these books do not necessarily have a male target audience...that's because my wife read them. She's been saving our marriage for a long time. Although if you ask her, she might give you a different answer.

So, it's not about what I do, it's what she does. She chooses to love me every day - not with conditional love that's looking to change me. But she takes me where I'm at, and sees me for who I can become in Christ.

No, it's really God who has saved our marriage, but I like to think that He's done it through her. Of course the whole time she's been reading these books, she's also been searching God's Word, diligently going to church, earnestly praying, and learning from other mentor women about how to be a good wife and mother.

I'm amazed at what God accomplishes through her...which includes keeping me on track!

These are the top 3 books my wife listed off the top of her head this morning:
1. Bible
2. Created to be His Helpmeet
3. Becoming a Woman of His Dreams

Some other books we've both read:
Night Light (devotional)
DNA of Relationships
4 Days to a Forever Marriage
Love and Respect
The Five Love Languages
Personality Plus
For Men Only/For Women Only (we each read our respective book)

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